
biogas upgrading sysadvance

SYSADVANCE is proud to announce the award of another three contracts in the Baltics region, for the supply of our METHAGEN technology to enable the upgrading of anaerobic digestion biogas into Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) – Biomethane.

Two projects with a biogas treatment capacity up to 1000 Nm3/h, being the first for BioCNG and the second for grid injection; the third, with a capacity up to 600 Nm3/h, is also for BioCNG.

These METHAGEN AD systems will be installed to attend severe weather conditions in winter time, whilst deploying the highest CH4 Recovery and Heating Value, along with a remarkably low OPEX. Whilst creating value to our clients, we ensure major contribution towards the energy transition and independence in the region.

SYSADVANCE detains solid performance records of biogas upgrading from anaerobic digestion as well as landfill gas, in Europe and North America, together with +4000 PSA systems performing in +50 countries worldwide.

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