
biogas upgrading sysadvance

SYSADVANCE is proud to announce the signing a Master Supply Agreement and the receipt of the 1st Purchase Order from UGI Energy Services, carried out by the SYSADVANCE North America team.

The Methagen AD upgrading system will be installed on a dairy farm in New York, upgrading the biogas to meet the stringent requirements of a nearby interstate natural gas pipeline. The project will produce Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) which will be usable as a replacement for fossil fuel natural gas, achieving an annual carbon reduction equivalent of the amount of carbon footprint from nearly 3,000 passenger cars or 1.7 million gallons of gasoline.

“The Master Supply Agreement shows our client’s commitment to working with SYSADVANCE on a pipeline of projects.  We are honored to be chosen for such agreements and have the opportunity to build long term partnerships.” – Brent Jaklin – SYSADVANCE North America’s CEO


UGI Energy Services supplies and markets natural gas, liquid fuels, and electricity, and renewable energy options to 42,000 customer locations across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern US. A subsidiary of UGI Corporation, we are a supplier, marketer, and midstream services provider backed by over 140 years of natural gas experience, plus our own expanding energy infrastructure. UGIES is well-positioned to meet the changing energy demands of commercial, industrial, institutional, and government customers for years to come.

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SYSADVANCE | Solar Panels

SYSADVANCE’s headquarters in Póvoa de Varzim has installed solar panels to address environmental issues. This initiative aims to reduce our carbon footprint and promote renewable

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