
biogas upgrading sysadvance

SYSADVANCE North America team has secured another Methagen AD upgrading system to be installed in the USA

SYSADVANCE North American is pleased to announce that is has received a contract for a Methagen AD 300 F system. SYSADVANCE’s PSA process was selected by Cambrian Innovation because of the high methane recovery, a dynamic control system (that responds to changing incoming biogas constituents or flow rates), and low energy demands; all while consistently meeting pipeline purity requirements.

The Methagen AD 300F upgrading system will be producing RNG (renewable natural gas) in northwest Wisconsin, supporting the renewable gas goals of the owner/operator, the state of Wisconsin, and the United States RFS.

“This project will produce just under 100,000 gallons equivalent of RNG annually and will offset over 4,000 metric tons of carbon, the equivalent of 4,000,000 gallons of gasoline. SYSADVANCE is proud to be playing a role in these renewable energy projects as North America continues to advance decarbonization goals.” – Brent Jaklin – SYSADVANCE North America’s CEO

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About CAMBRIAN Innovation

Cambrian helps businesses across a number of sectors transform their wastewater streams into value, generating clean energy and clean water with their industry-leading solutions. Cambrian solutions meet sustainability goals by producing renewable resources without sacrificing efficiency, valuable space, or capital.

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SYSADVANCE’s headquarters in Póvoa de Varzim has installed solar panels to address environmental issues. This initiative aims to reduce our carbon footprint and promote renewable

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